
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Russian Christmas: weighing on my mind


Russian Christmas.

Stephen and Teddy B of Woodshed are in.( We need to plan to get their stuff out of storage. Empty the room. Settle some financial issues. Get our 1911 journal back from their installation. And they are looking for office space. Let’s see what we can work out. Would be great to have them back in the house. 

Jeremy and Priska are in. She’s got a show coming up in Switzerland and needs space to work. They cover every inch of the building, all the nooks and crannies, looking  for the right space. Finally, they decide that the room where Teddy M and Chris lived, (Chrisamodo’s place, per RL) is the right place. Sunlit. Just right. Let’s see what we can work out. Happy to see spaces being used. Filling up. Now for a business plan.

Mitchell is hard at work on plans for Noche’s next performances, in Connecticut. It’s comforting having them back in the house.

Nancy arrives. My dream apartment has fallen through. They found someone with a higher income. Even though we got there first. Hard to take. I already saw myself there. Enjoying morning coffee and the Times in the backyard. Not to be. Kept us waiting days. Been there before on that. Depressing. Now it’s an all out push to find an alternative. Real estate marathon. On another bitter cold day. Fingers freezing, even on a short walk. Thankful for my Midnight Run watch cap pulled down over my ears.

No sign of Joe and his woman all day. Or Rachel. Where is she? Weighing on my mind….

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