
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Continental Shoemakers and the Red Planet


I’ve spent the morning in an Occupy Open Space meeting in Washington Heights. Lots of conversation about police community relations and developing relationships and establishing stronger connections with community based organizations. And then an afternoon meeting in Harlem with Presbyterians continuing to struggle with race and class based issues. Not an easy Saturday.

Glen is waiting for me with two theater friends, John from Continental Shoemakers (a homage to Tennessee Williams) and Lisa from Red Planet. They’re looking for a place to produce a new play. I give them the full tour. I tell Lisa about our recreation  of Orson Welles’  Mercury Theater of the Air’s War of the Worlds. And they fall in love with the place. Glen will help them pull together a proposal. 

While we’re touring upstairs, I see Stephen in the  sanctuary. Good to see him back from a holiday visit to his family.  I need his help.

We’ve got to get the place ready for tomorrow. Glen sticks around  to help out. They roll the 800 pound late Victoriana Tiffany baptismal font to the front of the sanctuary. I remind Stephen that it was this service last year when we last had our baptismal font intact. Later that week, in the midst of the Occupation of West-Park, the cover disappeared. Which became its own dramatic story. Murdoch, Fox news, the whole thing. The consuming intensity of those days feels like it was years ago, not just last year. 

We place the cover on the communion table. Bring the candles out and set them up. When all is ready, there’s still time for Stephen and i to go catch a half of the Ravens- Broncos playoff game before going to Jonathan’s opening of his Andy Kaufman installation in the Village. A moment to catch my breath.

see also and other stories from that week and "What Sarah wrote...." under popular posts

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