
Thursday, July 12, 2012

It is always important to celebrate small victories

There will be conversations on and off with Teddy throughout the day. Donna comes in to say thanks for the church standing by them. Reachout had recommended a shelter in Harlem but they would have to separate. Since Donna is nearly blind, she doesn’t want to leave David. Can’t understand why they don’t understand that.
Glen is bursting with all kinds of creative ideas. His play ready to open later this month. His workshop has had typical drama of all kinds, but overall, it’s been a great venture. I’m sorry that he’s headed to Birmingham for awhile. He’ll be missed. I’m sorry I missed the three day  rummage sale last week with Glen’s popcorn machine. 
Jane drops in to introduce her new administrator. Talk about her raffle. The successful salon she held the night before. Karen with her too taking care of business.
Teddy and I are out on the steps. Martin passes by. Seems he’s got some company reorganization going on. I tell him I don’t want this moment to pass. That we want to make it work. He goes inside for another look. 
Marty walks by. Teddy says Hi. He turns around looking. Wary. A brief wordless wave. He must be in one  of his cycles says Teddy. Usually he talks your arm off. But when he’s off, he looks at you all suspicious like. Won’t talk. Slips away. He must be off.  And I nod. Tell Teddy of my own experience of Marty. 
Jeremy comes out and he and Teddy and I talk about dealing with anger and how not to get drawn into confrontational situations that could turn violent.
Marc wants me to come downstairs and see what’s been accomplished with a new plumber. The sink in the  kitchen has finally been drained. The pipes working again. And almost miraculously, the urinal is finally fully functional for the first time since we’ve returned. It is important to celebrate small victories. 
The outreach team from Project Reachout has stopped by in their van. We talk about Dave and Donna. I want them together in a good place. We talk about a plan for closing the steps. I know other congregations have done that . But neither SPSA or B’Nai Jeshurun have posted No trespassing signs and I’m not about to be the first church to do that. I’m still sorting out the issues here. 
Our potential partners are coming by for a walk through. Jamie has arrived and we’re going through our game plan.They arrive about 45 minutes later. Include lots of younger people. One with a baby. We start in the sanctuary and I do my oral history talk. As we walk through, there is excitement.  They can see a future here. Thanks to the hard work of so many, the place almost sparkles. (Well, almost.) It’s all enthusiasm and good feelings but can we get a deal done? Were there any solid funders in the group?  Warm goodbyes. We’ll be back in touch soon. 
Time to head to the B to review.

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