
Friday, March 28, 2014

The solidarity continues


Gregory comes in with his oozy, overly familiar ain’t we just bros approach. Teases me about the Sixers scarf Dan brought me this week. I say, Hey, my son works for them. What’s up? And of course it leads to money. As I reflect on it, however, the routine may not be a play. It may actually be embarrassment at having to ask for money. I need to put a check on my annoyance, even when the accumulation of requests gets wearing.

Reminds me of what happened on the 2 train the other day. The third Please excuse me ladies and gentlemen…in a row just entered our car and started his routine. A scruffy guy standing near the door cuts him off, Dude, you’re like the third since the last stop. The last dude isn’t even out of the car yet! Move on man, move on…We’ll forego the confrontation that followed…

Mitchell comes in. Another electrical issue to deal with. No big problem. The Antigone work goes on. That same scene over and over. And an evolving fight scene as well. The chapel has been turned into a veritable costume shop, yards of cloth, a sewing machine and a tailor with flying hands. This will all be gone by Open Mic time tomorrow. 

Lupe from Dos Pueblos and her intern come in to check out our space for an event in May. Dos Pueblos had begun as a solidarity with Nicaragua group during the Contra war days. It has continued to be in solidarity with the community of Tipitapa through changes in governments over the last 27 years. ( This event will feature the just returned Youth Delegation. I’m glad to keep this connection to my years of work in Nicaragua during the ‘80’s and of course it’s important to Hugo and Arcadia, too. I give Lupe and her intern the tour, then Danielle will work out the details.

Karen has come in to play the piano again and talk cleaning supplies with Danielle.

Don is back from China and we’re going to the B to meet with Jamie and talk about our current options as well as just enjoying the time. As Don and I are leaving, Mario and Jeremy G are coming in for an Open Choir and Seed Group gatherings. When I return hours later, they are coming out. I look forward to meeting the whole group soon.

RL stops in on his way out after policing the building. As for me, more writing to do.

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