
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The balding man has taken up position

Danielle and I are back to trying to figure out how to move the boiler business forward. It’s like Sisyphus and his rock.  Thankfully, we have had some work done on the outside sidewalk basement doors so that they are at least safer. 
We do some cleaning up from last night’s P&G’s event. RL will show up later to help finish up. Looks like we took in  a little less than $400.  We’ve also got one musician’s shirt and all of Dave’s sound equipment. We need to get this out since Woodshed has a special last week Tuesday night performance. Given the shortness of time for pr and preparation, RL feels good about the night, the sense of comunity, how people responded.
Out on the steps, the balding man is asleep in the north doorway. He’s stripped except for his shorts, his clothes spread around him. I rouse him, remind him that he just can’t be here like this during the day. He nods, gathers his clothes, starts to dress.  
Teddy comes in to see what tickets we might want for this last week.  And the complicated discussion of Woodshed’s strike and load out. And how to do that with our film screening of Forgiveness. And how to separate out what’s ours from what’s theirs in the various rooms. And how we want different spaces left when they’re gone.There will be a tag sale selling off what they won’t take with them. And they will take things down system by system, not room by room. It’s strange that this experience is coming to an end. They’ve been living with us since June.
Dave comes in to secure his sound equipment. A new song seems to have replaced the hip hop song that replaced Bon Iver as the 5 o’clock sound check music. As Danielle and I leave, the line is starting to form on 86th Street for this evening's performance of the Tenant. On Amsterdam,  the balding man has taken up position on the steps again as night is falling. 

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