
Saturday, September 5, 2020

Living in conavirusworld 158: Let us have peace


Let us have peace (Grant's Tomb)

Gate 6 
encouraging words
Todays 5K “race” is the New York Yankees’ “Virtual United 5K.  Starting line is Gate 6 Yankee Stadium. My first time back in the Bronx in coronavirustime. (Four down, Staten Island to go.)  I haven’t been to Yankee Stadium since September 20 of 2019. All those games I would have gone to, gone. I want to see if the onsite Hard Rock Cafe is open. I had imagined them with outdoor dining with all that open space. A way to keep people close, even in coronavirustime. But it’s fenced off to keep people far away. Much of the Stadium feeling locked up  and foreboding. At least there are encouraging words on the marquee. 
Yankee Stadium marquee
The string of bars and tea gear shops along River Avenue all locked up. I head over the Macomb’s Avenue Bridge into Harlem and keep moving down Riverside to my finish at Grant’s Tomb. 

Grant's Tomb
The toppling of a Great statue by overzealous protestors in San Francisco has led to a renewed interest in Grant.  Turns out he was pretty decent guy. Came into ownership of a slave through his wife. Could never be comfortable to give him an order and at a time when he had no money came up with a $1000 to free the enslaved person and send him on his way into freedom. He was a damn good General. Called Robert E. Lee a traitor, not a hero. Defeated the Confederate army. Pursued a real   Reconstruction and  sought to completely eliminate the Ku Klux Klan. Good to see his resting place  in good shape.  And home in New York City.  "Let us have peace" says the inscription over the entrance to the tomb. Please. 

late afternoon jazz
I pause to listen to a jazz ensemble playing late afternoon music,  being warmly received. I pass 475 Riverside, the Interchurch Center, the God Box, and take a look at the apartment building I used to live at in 1982-83, My first sojourn here. 

welcome students
Columbia U is welcoming new students who will or will not have live classes and most certainly remote ones in the strangest of school years. Campuses struggling to stay open when newly arrived freshmen can’t see to help but gather snd party and spread the virus. We’ll just have to see how it goes….they say…

Never quite sure
These runs clear my head. Settle me down. 

the streets speak
Soon enough oats time for the West Park (virtual)  Open Mic.  As always the “gang” is slow in gathering. But one by in they arrive, sharing their music. And sense of mural support. Everyone make sit through the ZOOM  door okay this week.  It keeps us going. One more week.

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