
Sunday, May 31, 2020

Living in coronavirusworld 68: Is it just me or are things getting crazier out there?


Black lives (still) matter

Black lives matter. I can’t breathe.” Working at my dining room table, sun streaming in on a beautiful day, I heard the chants from the streets. I went outside but the marchers had already passed my block on Adam Clayton Powell. It was the first of the day's actions in the neighborhood.  Later before  our walk I got her text that a large group of marchers were heading  down 125th street.  By the time I got the messages, we had already met in Morningside and so decided to walk to Central Park.  I learned that both my sons in  Brooklyn would be heading out to demonstrations. Here in midst of the still continuing pandemic, a new crisis is taking place while all over the nation people react to this latest trilogy of murders of black people by police. The protest is spreading as fast as a virus.

Our walk is not so long today.  As we cross 110th, there’s whole string of flashing light  police cars. Speeding past.  After a short time in the Park, we’re done. Maybe it’s the added weight of tension, of sadness. The ongoing sense of unraveling even as we stumble towards reopening.

Some musician friends of mine gather in a private residence and live stream a "social bubble"concert.  Must be at least 6 musicians. I love the music, but with mixed feelings them. I envied them enjoying each other and a place I know.  Ad is it okay? I mean  they all wore masks, except when playing a horn or singing.  I feel confused. Like I feel we've left the "don't   go out unless it is absolutely necessary" phase.  A friend meets her partner for rehearsals,. Another friend gathers 4-5 others to record a church service . Could I meet someone  for a performance? For recording? Are we all making up our own rules?

The next  shock comes by  reports from Minnesota, for the governor and mayors of St Paul and Minneapolis, that most of those arrested are white people from out of the state, many with cars without license plates or other identification. What???? Seem to be right wing groups trying to foment more intense conflict. Accelerationists, they are called. 

Late in the day, more police cars. 
...and again...
A buzz on the street .  Seems they’ve come to enforce social distancing. Broke up the line between the deli and the liquor store. I’ve been expecting that. But that  wasn’t enough. 
on the street 
They say the liquor store was closed and that they and laid a $5K citation on the deli. Unnecessary. It’s almost as if when they count do decent crowd control elsewhere, soothes come to Harlem to push people around until they have agency again. They cold do this all afternoon Central Park if thy wanted.  The mood on the street  is not good.Somewhere between anger and resignation.  I feel like I’m lost my grip on things. 

Is it just me or are things getting crazier out there?
The Joker

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