
Saturday, June 11, 2011

The archival exhibit is up!

The archival exhibit is up! Norm drops in to direct the making of the final captions  explaining the display. It’s very moving to look on the back wall of the sanctuary and see the highlights of 100 years of history. All under Norm’s reconstruction of the fading inscription above the door of the church....Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit says the lord of hosts.... in the original font.
It’s easy to see  the social and spiritual impact West-Park has  had on both the community and the church across the country. There are photos of Bob Davidson who led the church at the beginning of the More Light Movement for full inclusion of lgbtq people, Jan Orr Harter who directed  the Peace Education Center, Laura Jervis who created the West Side Federation for Senior  and Supportive Housing that has provided housing for thousands over the years, a poster from the Not in Our Name/Song for the City program we created after 9-11 to bring music to our public schools, a Point of Encounter poster from our ministry with immigrants and involvement in Brazil and Nicaragua, and in the last photo, a picture of our members on the steps last summer, our first step to coming back. And now we are back.
Hope comes in to report she’s purchased a new vacuum. Norm and Hope and Danielle talk about hanging the exhibit yesterday and how Theo, a young volunteer, had been the one to go up the ladder to the high places. The making of posters about the concert series  to hang outside is next on the agenda.  
Four visitors come in to look at the church. We’ve now got an archival display to help with interpretation. Champ, the boxer comes in again.  All I need is a place to hang my bag, he says. I’ll get those kids coming in. He talks of training Matt Damon again. How his stepmom led the Stryker’s Bay community tenants’ group. We have yet to be able to tell if he’s this amazingly connected guy or an old fighter who’s taken a few too many punches. 
Later Hope returns with the posters. Leila’s design, Danielle’s design. They look really good. When I return from picking up Nate at the airport, Danielle’s up on the ladder. I join her on the other side, hanging the posters. 
Now all we need is people to come. 

Norm, Theo (on ladder), Hope

Hope, Norm, Theo, Danielle

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