
Friday, January 8, 2021

Living in coronavirusworld 237: January 6th, reflections....



Yesterday was January 6th...Epiphany. Celebrating the visit of the Magi to the Christ child. And now with broader connotations of sudden deep insight, like a light comes on and all of a sudden you “get it.” The events of yesterday in Washington ,DC were certainly a manifestation and a revelation. If there was any question at all, yesterday’s events revealed the naked reality of the Trump movement as it invaded the Capital building, disrupted the work of congress and vandalized private spaces. Maybe some sycophantic Congress people had their own epiphany and “got it,”but have yet to own their own complicity in this assault on democracy. Some persisted deep into the night with their perversion of democratic process. The work got done. Biden’s day will officially come. But some things can’t be undone. Or unseen. Like American flags, confederate flags, Trump flags and Jesus banners waving over the insurrection. It’s going  to take an extended Epiphany season to bring light to this darkness.    


Just when you think you’ve seen it all, turns out you haven’t. Which is a nicer way to say, unfuckingbelievable, but then, maybe all too...

Our morning conversation  group met. We talked about the Georgia election. The opportunities that opens up. My friend Steve walked up town and we had coffee in the backyard garden of the cafe.  For him, it was a miracle. All we have to do is get through the electoral college count today with minimal annoyance. The vice-president having remembered that he swore “before God” to defend the constitution. Though we have clearly different theologies, the Vice President does take the God business seriously. 

So I go home and turn on CNN and in the middle of the Arizona objection, things get weird. Windows being smashed in. Senators and representatives ordered to the floor. Guns drawn. People chanting USAUSAUSA! Waving American flags, and Trump flags and Confederate flags and a large banner proclaiming “Jesus”. What? Some guy’s got a sign that says “no foreskin no peace”. Maga hats and qanon t’s. People  scaling walls. It’s like a Hieronumous Bosch vision of the capital. I keep looking at faces. Knowing that many sincerely believe the country has been stolen and Is going down the drain. There’s the guy sitting in Pence’s chair. The guy standing at the podium declaring Trump won. The guy who invaded speaker Pelosi’s office and put his feet on her desk. Stole her mail.  I look at faces. I want to understand. 

I see it and I don’t believe it. What we’ve feared is happening. At his command.

I can’t watch anymore. I have to go for a walk. One block up the street, I see a naked black man. What? Like an NFL running back he hunches his shoulders, moves across the street like he’s breaking through the line. Two police cars scream in. I see him, back bent over, arms pulled back, kneeling, cuffed. I can’t help but be reminded of images of slave markets.

I’m sure this was just a matter of mental illness or some substance issue. It is completely unrelated to what’s going on in DC. But because one follows the other, they link in my mind and free association dances between the capital and a naked man on a Harlem street. All I feel is a world unhinged that won’t come together. All I can do is keep walking. Sirens here, sirens there. Keep walking. It’s the12th day of Christmas. Epiphany. Keep walking. Keep walking. Keep walking.

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