
Friday, June 22, 2012

They have to go

Teddy and I meet on the steps. Checking out where the two white guys in the box hang.  Strips of rubber. Tie offs. A fresh needle. Works. So OK. Now we know. They’re shooting up. They have to go. Teddy will call his friend on the job. At the 24 Precinct. To make an unofficial call. Friday morning. 
Katherine comes with her friend Bonnie, the architect. Ted here too. And Jamie. We tour the building and then focus on the sanctuary. What we could do to recreate the space if need be. Possibilities we hadn’t seen before appearing. More space than we realized we had. Bonnie helps us think through temporary to if anything were possible. Maybe we need to schedule a charette to really think this through. But first, need clarity as to what we really want to do. 
Marc has succeeded in selling the amp. To a guy from Thailand. And has finished installing one set of switches. 
Chris, one of the playwrights, is upstairs painting in the  balcony theatre. 
I meet Marsha on the steps. We’re off to the Lower East Side to go to St. Mary’s for a Metro IAF Assembly. City Council President Chris Quinn will be there. Teddy walks with us but won’t be able to go tonight. 
Into the subway. On our way.

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