
Thursday, December 1, 2011

The list Hope and I came up with

WPPC Rooms and Some Associated Events
The Sanctuary
The first Service of West Park Presbyterian Church in 1911
Many years of Comfort Ye Concerts to benefit people in need of food or shelter, in which members of the Metropolitan Opera and the New York City Opera, gathered by Lauren Flannigan, graced the community with their music each December.
A gathering in of all who entered for a service of mourning and meditation on the evening of September 11, 2001
The worship space for Enlace de la Gracia: Un Servicio Cristiano en la Tradicion Latina which worshipped together in Spanish, English and Portuguese. 
An amazing community  concert series directed by El Taller which brought  musicians and dancers from South America and Central America to perform here.
The first exhibit of David Michalek’s  photography exhibit 14 Stations. The participants in these tableaux were people who were homeless or incarcerated before becoming involved with the Interfaith Assembly on Homelessness and Housing of which West Park is a founding member.
Jens Nygard and The Jupiter Symphony had their home here.
The Pan American Symphony performed here.
The Sanctuary Balcony
The office of SANE and The office of Freeze in the early 1980’s
  The Balcony Theatre 
Home to the Riverside Shakespeare Company and The Shakespeare Center beginning in 1980. Joseph Papp and Helen Hayes dedicated the Center in 1982.

Theatre restored by Frog & Peach in 1995 and home for years of dynamic Shakepseare productions for the community over years of residence. 
Performance of Lysistrara  as part of the worldwide protest of the United States’ invasion of Iraq. The play was performed by formerly homeless and incarcerated people symbolizing the suffering of those who have the least when funds are diverted to war. 
The Very Small Office 
(across from the 86th St. Entrance)
The office of the Grey Panthers A group of young and old together working for an end to the Vietnam War,  Health Care and Housing for all, and advocating for the well-being of Seniors. 
The Office of Peace Action 
The Chapel
The home for decades of worship and fellowship of the Iglesia Presbyteriana 
An exhibition of work by the Artist Charlie Ramsburg.
The Session Room
Site of the Session decision, in 1978, to welcome all gay people to full inclusion in the life of the congregation as members, deacons, and elders.
Meetings of the UWS Lesbian and Gay Association and of The Circle of More Light
The Session Room Kitchen
The tiny space  where Ofelia Sanchez lovingly prepared her incomparable café con leche por todo el mundo.
The Downstairs Offices
Office of Joan Demertas who oversaw dynamic afterschool programs, and lovingly welcomed and assisted all who entered or passed –by.
Point of Encounter, an organization dedicated to bringing immigrants and non-immigrants together in and outside of NYC and of the US, was developed here.
McAlpin Hall
This was where the 1982 March against Nuclear Proliferation was envisioned and planned. 
The Peacemonger Press, a nationally distributed newsletter was written and assembled here. 
A meeting with Commandante Dora Maria Tellez and other Sandinista leaders was held here; one of many activities in support of the Revolution during the Contra War.
An exhibit of art work by First Responders at Ground Zero
Weekly gatherings of Seniors for many decades 
The site of many wedding receptions, church gatherings, wonderful shared meals, , square dancing, bagpipe playing, international dancing troops,  and celebrations of all kinds! 
Above McAlpin Hall
The Industrial Areas Foundation and Manhattan Together had offices here.
Point of Encounter taught free computer classes here.
The Library and Pastor’s Office
Many dedicated pastors served here. 
This has been the site of countless meetings, much prayer, and lots of planning.
Third Floor
The Institute for Psychotherapy and Spirituality had its’ home here.
The Fourth Floor
The Office of God’s Love We Deliver was located here.
Children raced up the stairs to Sunday School here throughout the life of the Church.
Child’s Play, a community program for parents and children, met here.
The Gym
Young people from the Fellowship of Reconciliation in Germany stayed here for many years when they came to NYC to work on Issues of Peace, to teach and learn, and to build community. 
There were also many visitors from Germany who came each May for several years to work at the UN against the stock piling of Nuclear Weapons in Germany.
This was the home of Life Sport which served neighborhood youth for many years.
The Attic
The Boy Scout Troop had its home here for decades.
The Basement
The spotless, inviting kitchen of God’s Love We Deliver was here.
The first scene of Woodshed Collective’s The Tenant was performed here in 2011.

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