
Saturday, August 22, 2020

Living in Coronavirusworld 144: Untended gardens


"Keep Our Neighborhood Safe"

the untended garden
On my walk south, I find the 89th Street community garden is open again. In a typical summer, there would be Shakespeare productions, concerts and community picnics all in this pocket park created and tended by he neighbors. But from this spring until now, the garden has been under lock and key. And clearly the flowers have gone untended all this time. But still to see the gates open is a good sign.  All throughout the neighborhood I find posters from the Guardian Angels recruiting people to join their safety patrols and “keep our neighborhood safe.”  The question is from whom? The homeless? My old neighborhood has become seriously gentrified even with the continuing presence of public housing projects. Like masked super heroes, our Angels edge ever closer to vigilantism.

The West Park Center board struggles with the effects of the virus. No real productions since March. Productions shut down in mid run. Program committee putting together ideas for virtual programming. Meanwhile, the church struggles with its own issues of sustainability in light of the virus. And inevitably what happens with the church will impact the Center. We are all wrestling with the unknown.  Untended gardens. And of course we wrestle with how to engage the community debate over the placement of homeless in hotels. The “antis” have collected thousands of signatures and facebook members and now have hired an attorney.  The faith community, scattered and disconnected, even as their congregations are scattered and disconnected, is trying to finds a way to engage.  There will be a virtual Community Board 7 meeting Monday night to address the issue. We will at least be there to see what goes on.  Untended gardens.

The Gate feels almost normal when a neighborhood character brings her drama back again. With the inevitable call to the police. Just like BC (Before Corona) time.  The owner stops by our table. “Dinner and a movie” she says. And gives us a health pour of red. It is the cool of the evening.


....and still we die....
Emergency vehicles continue through the neighborhood. Three times during my phone call with my mom. And people continue to die.

Then Open Mic community gathers again. Shares our conversation. Our songs. Our anxieties. We are there  for each other. Until we end with RL’s “Stay Awhile With Me.”

                                                                     Stay Awhile....

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