
Thursday, August 13, 2020

Living in coronavirusworld 137: A vice presidential candidate. Latin America and Covid. And a new trombone for Tim.



Obviously, the  first thing our “underground” group talks about is Biden’s choice of  Kamala Harris as running mate. Joel says voting against Biden -Harris would be like voting against Bilbo Baggins and Frodo.  The Eye of Sauron is raging in the land.  Steve P maintains  that our  country would never elect a true left progressive.       

We talk about voting versus building a movement. How it's not either/or, it’s both and. We have to deal with the moment.  Russ is convened that the student loans crisis was created to occupy students and keep  them out of the streets like they were in the ’60’s. Steve P feels this is at best half true.  In either event since 1970, the cost of an eduction has tripled. He sees this as a function  of a society committed to material expansion.

The issues we are concerned about: 
* health care
* prison reform
* Student debt 
* Deployment of troops overseas and military funding.

Russ quotes Erica Chenowith’s ‘Ted Talk” where she compares the success of  non-violent movements to violent revolutions, with more success on the  side of non-violence.(  For Joel this is like a kid who is given a protocol by a doctor who only half heartedly follows and then blames the doctor when it doesn’t work.  We have to compete the whole therapy. 

Steve P points out that since 1776, the US has had only 16 years without a war. The Peoples’ Republic of China, on the  other hand, has had no wars since 1949.  

Someone point out that turmoil is literally turning the soil, the moil. 

Our job requires nuance.  Much as we support the Poor Peoples’ Campaign, we realize that it has not had widespread awareness to date. We need to spread that further. (

Anyway we look at it, there’s work to be done,,,

Our Central America work group gathers. 

In Honduras, a giant road sign reads ‘Where is the Money? Expressing the belief that international aid has been highjacked by those charge. International flights should begin again this weekend. The health system has collapsed. 

In Guatemala, it’s a bipolar  bounce  between tight restrictions and laissez faire. There’s a daily curfew. No public transportation. Hunger, no food. Again, here too, the question, where's the money? They speak of the pacto de corruptos, the pact of the corrupt.  Including even judicial corruption.  Covid19 as an excuse for remilitarization. States of siege declared to extend government control even where no protests are present.

In El Salvador, theres’a similar use of covid to justify military expansion. Only here, the Bukele government has less support from his supporters and the government.

In Nicaragua, the head of the Protestant Council (CEPAD) has died of Covid. There is  concern about the role of USAID as the 2021 election grows closer. Mass gatherings have finally stopped. The July  19th revolution celebration was a very circumscribed event with only  a few dignitaries invited. They try to continue as if all is normal with 70-80000 dead, many deaths listed pneumonia and not Covid 19. 

Cost Rica has does well with virus control but has growing xenophobia against people from other countries, especially Nicaraguans.  Visitors from the US are now banned. Only 500-600 cases and 11 deaths. Running out of tests. Nicaragua demands a test for those trying to return  to the country and charges $150 a test at the border. 

Dennis quickly covers South America. Brazil has 80000 deaths and 20 million infected. Chile’s privatized society has left many uncared for. Ban of transports is keeping oxygen tanks from reaching those who  need them. If you don’t have a job you're on your  own. 

In the meantime, lack of attention due to Covid has seen a return of tuberculosis. Drugs for HIV patients are deteriorating in quality and disappearing. Dengue and CICA returning.  

Somehow, with people afraid to leave the  US, remisas, dollars sent back have not drastically declined.  Deportatios have continued from the  US even with airports closed. 

Tim's new trombone
I have to go for a walk. What makes  my day, Tim has a new trombone. Praise the Lord.


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