
Saturday, July 11, 2015

Noche rehearses.And an open mic.


Rl sings the blues with Al and Hannah

All day long the Noche team working feverishly  on getting ready for opening night of Antigona..

I’m wrestling with job descriptions and staff need and money that’s not there..

A bot of an odd night for open mic. Even though the chapel’s still open, we wind up upstairs in McAlpin anyway.  RL opens. Then a new couple, Al and Hannah
Al and Hannah
bring some blues and the  RL joins them for some blues. Dion, our all around go to guy, tends bar and then does a his stand up Which, come to think of it, fits Dion, a stand up guy for sure.
I’m in a place where I have to start with  Lonely Hearts, then pondering the devastating floods in New Mexico, share the second of my New Mexico songs, Daisies and Cactus Flowers and then in honor  of a friend much on my mind, finish with Ripple. (Al and Hannah really liked the New Mexico song.) The one and only Joel Gold
Joel Gold
once again takes to flight. Then David Smythe, fresh back from healing hip surgery, leaves the sound board to share his first set in weeks.
David Smythe
Pete Carroll
Pete Carroll
has an emerging stand up style he’s working at coming in to. The real surprise of the night was when Piano Dan walked in for the first time in months, accompanied by old timer Jamie Ross
Jamie Ross
who brings what can only be described as unique material. And then, it’s time for RL to being it all to an end with Stay Awhile.

Outside the Amsterdam door, the flamenco cast are taking a smoke break…it’s along night of rehearsal….

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