
Monday, February 22, 2021

Living in cornavirusworld 251: Lenten days



In our underground discussion, we begin considering that at it’s roots, the anti-government ideology of the Republican Party is inherently anti-black. Following the 1963 March on Washington and the Civil Right Act of 1964, Government was perceived as imposing unwanted Black people on us.  For example, public swimming pools built during the New Deal Works Process Administration were filled with concrete and shut down rather than open for Black people. Government has come to be seen as that power that robs you of your wealth snd gives city to someone else who does not deserve it. Amazingly, since Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, no Democrat has won the majority of white votes. 


Our Sabeel study group is reacting on fasting. All major religions observe fasting as a discipline in one way or another. Each has it unique practices, in Christianity, for example, Roman Catholics fast from meat while Orthodox meat and dairy both. (And most Protestants don’t fast at all.)

Lent becomes an opportunity to reflect on our mortality. That is especially important in our continued life in Coronsvirusworld. In the United States now over half a million people have died. Half a million. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust…

The tradition includes both alms and prayer, and both are essential. Our giving is not so  much giving as giving back. And fasting must be connected to justice. For example while Israel, for one, is proud of vaccinating half its population, some 130 countries still have no access to the anti-covid Vaccine. 


The cold continues to linger as the snow is into its third week with us. A brutal storm has swept through the south and southwest hitting Texas particularly hard. Thousands and thousands without heat or light or even water. Conservative ideologues seize the opportunity to blame green energy, like wind mills, even though the real reason is having gone off the grid and let their infrastructure languish. Senator Ted Cruz, who passionately goes wherever the wind blows, cluelessly heads to Mexico for a vacation as his state suffers than blames his trip on his daughters. Clueless. And shameless. 

Late afternoon in the Gate. At 25% capacity but the warmth’s the candles, feels cozy and a relief. I order fish and chips to remind me of the season of “fish fries” back home.


For Sonko, in whim our hope lis...
in support of Sonko
against injustice

Decide it’s too cold for the farmer’s market today. I’ll just stay in. Usual all too brief family ZOOM with my mom at her assisted care facility. As always, there are ZOOMfails for more than one person. There are demonstrators outside the Senegalese consulate decrying political violence and repression and in support of Ousmane Sonko. We’re all talking about vaccinations. And despite all, Zoom does allow us to gather from Berlin, Los Angeles, New Jersey, Pittsburgh and New York all at the same time. Late in the afternoon, meet a friend for a drink at my neighborhood place. 


fixing the bears
with the children
smiles shared

Almost a year now. These months of Covid have been wearing on us. The isolation has pushed elderly into dementia. And younger people into severe depression. After becoming depressed myself, I decide to to head to the park to visit my friend’s polar bear snow sculptures. Over 15 now last the Central Park 86th Street entrance. And to my pleasant purpose, she is there, working on the bears and being interviewed by a TV news reporter. A crowd is there as always. Little children want their photos taken. I continue to be amazed how this spontaneous moment of inspiration has turned into an engaging creative happening, an event, something brightening the lingering cold, winter and covid. Even in the crowd, there are smiles to exchange. 

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