
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Statement with sign on....

principles of sanctuary in response to the global escalaton of displacement
We express our deep concern for the well-being of the refugee children, families and all migrants
currently arriving at our borders, as well as those struggling to live within our borders. In response to
the increased numbers of people around the world who are being forced to leave their home countries,
and the simultaneous increase in punitve enforcement in many receiving countries, we afrm the
following principles to guide and inspire our eforts to respond:

Compassionate Response:
We care deeply about refugee children, families and all migrants,
and we urge our countries to have open arms to protect them and preserve their human
dignity. We reject detenton of migrants as a violaton of human rights and dignity.

Due Process:
We advocate for fair and tmely legal proceedings,
competent legal
and due process for children, asylum seekers, and all migrants.

Family Unity:
We uphold and respect the unit
y of families as a basic human right.

Restoratve Justce:
We desire revitalizaton and healing of our borderlands, not militarizaton.
The only long-term soluton is a holistc approach that prioritzes safety and opportunity for
migrants and addresses root causes.

Civil Initatve:
As long as our governments are not adequately addressing these huma
crises, citzens have the right and responsibility to respond with an approach that follows the
e to provide sanctuary when needed and, above all, to love our neighbours.
Based on these principles, we covenant with one another to work together for just and humane
response to all migrants both at our borders and within our countries. We call on our governme
nts, and

the governments of all countries receiving migrants in response to the current and ongoing
internatonal humanitarian and refugee crisis
to embrace these principles.
Individual Signers:

Hanns Thomä, Asyl in der Kirche (Asylum in Church), Berlin, Germany,

Rev. John Fyfe, No More Deaths, Arizona,

Rick Uford-Chase, co-moderator, rresbyterian reace Fellowship,

Rev. Dr. Robert L. Brashear, rastor, West rark rresbyterian Church,

Susan Smith, Community of Living Traditons at Stony roint Center, Muslim reace Fellowship,

Ulrich Sonn, Internatonaler Versoehnungsbund-Deutscher Zweig, Internatonal Fellowship of
ReconciliatonnGerman Branch,
Organizatonal Endorsers:

Asylum in Church, Germany

No More Deaths, Arizona

Community of Living Traditons

rresbyterian Church USA
To endorse these principles as an individual or an organizaton, please email one of the above signers.
Online interface coming soon! 

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